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Workshop on effective mentoring

Mentoring can be a powerful tool to develop one’s career, change direction if desired or necessary, and support work-life balance. An effective mentoring relationship facilitates the mentee’s development from both a personal and professional perspective. But what are the qualities of a good mentor? What are some effective mentoring practices that a mentor can adopt to

Communicating with patients: Learn with us at ACADEMIA Course 2022

The 2022 edition of ACADEMIA course will feature a new workshop on communication between transplant professionals and patients. Through a mix of short lectures and practical exercises, participants will learn about effective communication, active listening, non-verbal language, and other key concepts from both a theoretical perspective and a patient’s perspective. The workshop will be led

It’s time to prepare your abstract submission for #ESOTcongress

The ESOT Congress serves as a premier platform for researchers from across the globe to present their organ transplantation research, the abstract submission is open, with the following key submission deadlines: Abstract submission: 22 February 2021 Late-breaking abstract submission period: 10-25 May 2021 (preliminary research must be provided by 22 February 2021) Find out more by reading our abstract and clinical