Mentoring can be a powerful tool to develop one’s career, change direction if desired or necessary, and support work-life balance. An effective mentoring relationship facilitates the mentee’s development from both a personal and professional perspective. But what are the qualities of a good mentor? What are some effective mentoring practices that a mentor can adopt to
Category: Workshops
FINAL PROGRAMME: 12th EPITA Symposium & 41st AIDPIT Workshop
Update on our 12th EPITA Symposium & 41st AIDPIT Workshop! You can now find the final programme including Oral Presentations here. #ESOT_EPITA
New professional development workshop on grants, research and publishing
The new ESOT professional development series, 50 Minutes to grow your career, kicked off on 8 November with the first online workshop, How to best plan your career: Tips and tricks from the experts. The workshop was led by Liset Pengel and Muhammad Khurram, who moderated a lively discussion with panellists Giuseppe Feltrin, Anna Forsberg,
Professional development workshop: “How to best plan your career: Tips and tricks from the experts”
This series will provide expert advice and practical tips to support the personal and professional development of transplant professionals at all career stages. The topics of this series were selected based on the results of an educational needs assessment recently conducted by ESOT.
A unique opportunity for the Young Professionals in Transplantation
APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN for the 2nd Workshop for Young Professionals in Transplantation on Living Organ Donation on June 16 in Gubbio, Italy The Workshop is organised in combination with the 10th Living Donor Abdominal Transplant Conference on June 17-18 in Gubbio, Italy The first edition of this Workshop was held in 2018 in Matera, Italy, and turned out to be a
Communicating with patients: Learn with us at ACADEMIA Course 2022
The 2022 edition of ACADEMIA course will feature a new workshop on communication between transplant professionals and patients. Through a mix of short lectures and practical exercises, participants will learn about effective communication, active listening, non-verbal language, and other key concepts from both a theoretical perspective and a patient’s perspective. The workshop will be led
ESOT Congress 2021: Abstract Submission Deadline EXTENDED
The abstract submission deadline for #ESOTcongress has been EXTENDED until Thursday 25th February at 23:59 CET.
Scientific Highlights – Transplantation Learning Journey TLJ 2.0
We are pleased to announce that our TLJ 2.0 report has been published and is available to read now. Providing a comprehensive summary of TLJ 2.0, this report covers all the highlights from the event, including the key discussion points and outcomes from some of the World’s leading transplant experts. Read the TLJ20Report for the
It’s time to prepare your abstract submission for #ESOTcongress
The ESOT Congress serves as a premier platform for researchers from across the globe to present their organ transplantation research, the abstract submission is open, with the following key submission deadlines: Abstract submission: 22 February 2021 Late-breaking abstract submission period: 10-25 May 2021 (preliminary research must be provided by 22 February 2021) Find out more by reading our abstract and clinical
Of Interest: NHSBT Multi – Organ Retrieval Masterclass 14th-16th December 2020
REGISTRATION DEADLINE >>> 04 December The course is aimed at all Fellows, SpRs and trainees working at or due to be attached to clinical teams involved in organ transplantation.This year’s Masterclass will be provided in a virtual format over three days. The format is entirely new, and in close collaboration with NHSBT and our National Faculty,