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London Renal Transplant Surgical Fellowship

New Opportunity! 2-year specialised fellowship in renal transplantation. In addition to renal transplantation the fellowship provides experience in dialysis access surgery, pancreas transplantation and multi-organ retrieval. This unique fellowship will provide exposure to two leading London transplant centres. One year spent at West London Renal Transplant Centre (Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust) and one year at

2-year Postdoctoral position in Transplant Immunology

2-year Postdoctoral position in Transplant Immunology at the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR), in the Translational Nephrology and Transplantation Laboratory group led by professor Oriol Bestard, in Barcelona.   JOB DESCRIPTION Education and qualifications: Innovative research in the field of solid organ transplantation, using novel technologies to assess allogeneic and anti-viral immunity in the

Job Opportunity: Post-Doctoral Position in Human Transplant Immunology

A post-doctoral position is open in Dr. Emmanuel Zorn’s laboratory within the Columbia Center for Translational Immunology (http://www.cumc.columbia.edu/ccti/) to study mechanisms of heart transplant rejection in humans. This NIH-funded study will be conducted in collaboration with members of the New York Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center Cardiac Transplant Program. The research will particularly investigate the function