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Workshop on effective mentoring

January 11, 2023 | Education | General | Workshops

Mentoring can be a powerful tool to develop one’s career, change direction if desired or necessary, and support work-life balance. An effective mentoring relationship facilitates the mentee’s development from both a personal and professional perspective.

But what are the qualities of a good mentor? What are some effective mentoring practices that a mentor can adopt to best support the mentee?

In the context of the new ESOT Mentorship Programme, Ellen Boeren, Professor of Education at the University of Glasgow, will lead a workshop on effective mentoring practices for all ESOT mentors and for anyone who is interested in acquiring or refining mentoring skills.

The workshop will take place on Monday 16 January from 18:00 to 19:00 CET and participation is limited to 50 attendees.

Register soon and don’t miss the opportunity to grow as a mentor!

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