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ESOT multi-organ registry

On March 5th 2021, ESOT opened a tender for a technical provider that will build the multi-organ registry. ESOT is seeking the support of additional European national authorities and expect to finalise agreement with participating countries by the end of April 2021. In addition, ESOT is establishing contacts with non-European countries and registries. read more

The COVID-19 Vaccine Studies

Transplant patients are exceptionally vulnerable to all infections, especially COVID-19, due to immunosuppression and other co-morbidities. There is a clear need for these patients to receive the best available protection against COVID-19 and we strongly believe that they should be considered as a priority group for vaccination across Europe. Furthermore, our patients and the broader

Exploring the adaptation of patients after heart transplantation

Great to see this article for Open Access Government from Anna Forsberg, Professor of Transplant Nursing  at Lund University and Chair of our ETAHP Committee, exploring the adaptation of patients after heart transplantation, as part of the build-up to #ESOTcongress 2021. full article: https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/adaptation-after-heart-transplantation-a-framework-for-the-future/101548/

It’s time to prepare your abstract submission for #ESOTcongress

The ESOT Congress serves as a premier platform for researchers from across the globe to present their organ transplantation research, the abstract submission is open, with the following key submission deadlines: Abstract submission: 22 February 2021 Late-breaking abstract submission period: 10-25 May 2021 (preliminary research must be provided by 22 February 2021) Find out more by reading our abstract and clinical