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EPITA Board – Call for nomination

EPITA, the European Pancreas and Islet Transplant Association, wishes to announce a call for nominations for a new Board member. The mandate of the new EPITA Board Member is 4 years (2021-2025). Given the current composition of the EPITA Board, and to ensure that all relevant specialties are represented, applications from diabetes (transplant) physicians will be

ESOT Congress 2021 value-based care

ESOT recognises the importance of value-based care as an essential part of delivering improved treatment for transplant patients and is committed to working alongside patient representatives to help shape equitable, sustainable, and appropriate learning resources that address the needs of the patient community. Our value-based care domain is led by leading experts in the field

Get involved!

We are delighted to announce that our Sections & Committees have opened a number of opportunities to join the boards: ECTORS | ECTTA | EDTCO | EKITA | ELITA |EPITA|  VCA | BSC | ETAHP | YPT We encourage you to get involved in your preferred Section/Committee by submitting your nominations and exercising your right to vote! Read more

YPT Call for Nominations

We would like to announce a call for nominations for six new Board members. The new YPT Board members will hold office for 4 years (2021-2025), effective from the ESOT Congress 2021. The Young Professionals in Transplantation (YPT) is the Network for Junior Transplant professionals of ESOT, representing all young transplant clinicians and scientists who

VCA Call for Nominations

We would like to announce a call for nominations for four new Board members. ESOT/VCA affiliates are eligible to submit their application for the positions. The intention of the ESOT VCA Section is to foster the scientific and clinical development of Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation in Europe and to serve as a platform for scientists and

EDTCO Call for Nominations

We would like to announce a call for nominations for two new Board members. ESOT/EDTCO affiliates active within the field of organ, tissue and cell donation for transplantation are eligible to submit their application for the positions, or to present another EDTCO affiliate as candidate. Applications from intensivists and donation coordinators will be given preferential

ETAHP Call for Nominations

We would like to announce a call for nominations for two new Board members. ETAHP is the ESOT Committee representing European nurses and allied healthcare professionals who wish to promote evidence-based transplant care in order to improve health and well-being of organ transplant candidates and recipients. ETAHP includes patients in our activities, to give them

BSC Call for Nominations

We would like to announce a call for nominations for two new Board members. All ESOT/Basic Science Committee affiliates are eligible to submit their application for the positions. Applications from PhDs with some years of postdoc experience and researchers with a strong basic science background will be given preferential consideration. The Board reserves the right