ESOT is seeking a publisher for its flagship scientific journal, Transplant International, to discuss the transition to an open access journal.
Transplant International is looking for its publishing partner

ESOT is seeking a publisher for its flagship scientific journal, Transplant International, to discuss the transition to an open access journal.
We are pleased to announce that our TLJ 2.0 report has been published and is available to read now. Providing a comprehensive summary of TLJ 2.0, this report covers all the highlights from the event, including the key discussion points and outcomes from some of the World’s leading transplant experts. Read the TLJ20Report for the
EKHA Open Letter to EU Policymakers On Behalf Of The European Organ Donation and Transplantation Community “Life After Covid-19: Time to realise a Second EU Action Plan on Organ Donation and Transplantation” EKHA Open Letter on Organ Donation & Transplantation
ESOT is pleased to announce a new initiative in collaboration with the Centre for Evidence in Transplantation (CET), allowing 40 prospective abstract submitters to receive preliminary feedback on their abstract to help enhance the quality and increase the chances of being accepted to the Congress. Please see the process and deadlines below: Any prospective abstract
We are delighted to inform you that the 2021 edition of the Hesperis course will take place online, in an innovative and exciting format. Learn more about the features that make Hesperis 2021 a unique educational opportunity for emerging professionals: from anywhere across Europe and beyond, learners will be able to gain an extensive overview
The ESOT Congress serves as a premier platform for researchers from across the globe to present their organ transplantation research, the abstract submission is open, with the following key submission deadlines: Abstract submission: 22 February 2021 Late-breaking abstract submission period: 10-25 May 2021 (preliminary research must be provided by 22 February 2021) Find out more by reading our abstract and clinical
This is the most prestigious scientific award at the ESOT Congress, stimulating an unprecedented and innovative approach to research. There are two winners of this award; one for ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? and one for ???????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????. Prior to the congress, eight outstanding contributions are selected from all of the scientific abstracts submitted to the
The registration fee for the TLJ 2.0 online experience covers full participation in the online scientific sessions for the dates of 15-16-17 November. The following fees apply for this event: ESOT Member – 69.00 EUR Non-Member – 100.00 EUR Individual transplanted patient, patients society representative or patients society member – 30 EUR All preparatory activities for TLJ 2.0
ESOT is delighted to announce the appointment of Prof. Thierry Berney as the new Editor-in-Chief for Transplant International. Prof. Berney is a Past President of ESOT, an Associate Editor of TI and a full professor at the Department of Surgery of the University of Geneva School of Medicine. He will lead the new editorial team
We are pleased to announce the ESOT Grants Programme for 2021! The application deadline is October 15th 2020.