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One step closer on our mission to transform the world of transplantation

November 21, 2022 | General | Meetings | TLJ

We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who joined us at ESOT TLJ 3.0 and supported us on our mission to transform the world of transplantation.

Experts convened from across the globe to shape the future clinical pathway of transplantation for 9 major topics and came up with 21 recommendations to direct research and clinical practice.

In the words of our ESOT Conference Chair, Umberto Cillo, “Thank you to everyone who has contributed to ESOT TLJ 3.0. We have shown that when individual science is put to the community, a wider group can elaborate on these findings through deep and thorough discussion. This opportunity has opened up a platform that can now be maintained in the future.”

Re-visit ESOT TLJ website.

Visit the ESOT Guidelines web section for future updates.


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