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NEW Course: Induction Therapy in Kidney Transplantation

June 22, 2024 | Education | General

We are excited to introduce our latest course, “Induction Therapy in Kidney Transplantation” designed to help you navigate the evolving landscape of maintenance immunosuppression. The time is right to re-examine how we use induction therapy in the field of transplantation. This is especially important as we strive for personalised medicine and person-centred care.

What you will learn
* Comprehensive overview of induction therapy in kidney transplantation.
* Tailoring induction regimens to meet individual patient needs.
* Understanding the benefits and potential consequences of different induction treatments.

Course Highlights
* 10 in-depth lectures covering a wide range of topics.
* Insights on applying induction therapy to diverse patient groups.
* Balanced perspectives on the advantages and risks of induction treatments.

Sophie Alain, University of Limoges, France
Xavier Charmetant, Edouard Herriot Hospital, Lyon, France
Marta Crespo, Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, Spain
Sunil Daga, St James’s University Hospital, Leeds, United Kingdom
Rachel Hellemans, Antwerp University Hospital, Belgium
Martijn van den Hoogen, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Fernanda Ortiz, Helsinki University Hospital, Finland
Marlies Reinders, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Adnan Sharif, University Hospitals of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Laura Skinner, University of Bristol, United Kingdom

As a bonus, access recordings from the ESOT online workshop series on Induction Therapy in Kidney Transplantation are available on demand in the “Online workshops” tab.

This platform has been developed by ESOT Education with Luca Toti and Raj Thuraisingham.

Enrol today and take the next step towards delivering personalised, patient-centred care!



This activity is possible thanks to the kind support of Sanofi. Access to Transplant Live is a benefit of the ESOT membership.

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