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Jasper Callemeyn: ESOT Transplant Fellow 2024

March 8, 2024 | General

Jasper Callemeyn beautifully articulates the essence of the ESOT Grants Programme and the prestigious opportunities offered within the ESOT membership: “The ESOT Transplant Fellowship is an opportunity for me to broaden my horizons as a clinician-scientist in the field of kidney transplantation. During my fellowship at the Medical University of Innsbruck, I will investigate the interplay between alloimmunity and autoimmunity in the development of vascular inflammation of the transplanted kidney, with the ultimate goal of gaining a better understanding of why rejection occurs and how we can better prevent and treat this harmful phenomenon. The fellowship year gives me an invaluable chance to acquire new skills, explore new parts of transplant immunology, and expand my network. I’m grateful for this prestigious fellowship and inspired to make a difference in the field of transplantation.

This testimony reflects not only Jasper’s enthusiasm and dedication but also underscores the pivotal role that ESOT plays as a platform for aspiring clinicians and scientists to make impactful contributions to the field of transplantation. ESOT continues to be a beacon, providing opportunities for growth, learning, and the development of innovative solutions in organ transplantation.

We celebrate Jasper Callemeyn’s achievements and look forward to witnessing the positive impact he will undoubtedly make in transplantation.

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