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In memoriam: Paul McMaster

May 28, 2024 | All | Liver

We are deeply saddened by the passing of Prof Paul McMaster, the legendary English surgeon who founded the Liver Unit in Birmingham, UK, pioneered liver transplantation in the 70s and 80s working with Sir Roy Calne and was one of the founding fathers of ELITA and a President of ESOT. He was known for his charismatic, elegant, and calm personality – a true gentleman, a great teacher for many generations of liver surgeons, teaching lessons of- and for life, to those he mentored. After retiring as HPB- and Liver Transplant Surgeon, Paul worked for Médicines Sans Frontières (MSF) in many conflict areas around the world, and was surgical director at MSF headquarters, thus realising his dream to work as a doctor in the developing world because he knew he ‘wanted to help’.

His care for patients and passion for addressing the challenges facing this world, his poise and vision will be remembered and continue to inspire us. Though his absence will be deeply felt, there is solace in the knowledge that he would have desired to be remembered with joy and lightness.


Our thoughts are with his family and friends.

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