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New resource available on Transplant Live: Management of CMV in solid organ transplant recipients

We are pleased to announce that our latest workshop, titled “Managing CMV in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients” is now available on ESOT Transplant Live [when in Transplant Live please go to Courses]. This educational programme aims to enhance the management of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections among transplant recipients, which can pose a significant challenge post-surgery. The

WEBINAR: What you need to know about vaccinating your kidney transplanted patients against COVID-19

This educational webinar will discuss the efficacy of current COVID-19 vaccine strategies for transplanted patients. The first talk will focus on the experience with heterologous vaccinations and the pro´s and con´s for vector vaccines in transplant patients. The second talk summarises previous studies on second and third booster (homogenous and heterologous) vaccinations – and gives