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Q&A Session 2 from the webinar “Coping with Uncertainty during the COVID-19 Pandemic”

The ESOT webinar “Coping with Uncertainty during the COVID-19 Pandemic” took place on April 27, 2020. Conceived as an opportunity for patient representatives and transplant professionals to exchange their concerns, suggestions, and expectations in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, the webinar was attended by patients, patient associations and medical professionals. In the Second video of this series,


ESOT closely monitors the developing situation on COVID-19 and follows guidelines and instructions issued by the WHO and the ECDC. We value the following resources: Guidance on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) for Transplant Clinicians Novel coronavirus outbreak: information and resources Any changes in the status of the ESOT educational activities and meetings will be communicated via our website and

Meet the Orgamites

The main objective of the Orgamites is to raise awareness and public acceptance of organ donation around the world, so that organ donation becomes the default position when anyone passes away for whatever reason. Their organs can then deliver life enhancing and life extending support to another person. The lack of organs available for children is particularly