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ELITA call for nominations

ELITA – the European Liver and Intestine Transplant Association – would like to announce a call for nominations for new Board member. All ESOT/ELITA affiliates are welcome to send nominations for this position. You may nominate yourself or a colleague. The new ELITA Board Member will hold office for 4 years (2022-2026), starting September 2022.

Calling transplant centres to share their experiences of COVID-19 vaccination practices

Building on the success of recent multi-society collaboration
This initiative builds on the recent success of our multi-society effort: a publication of the findings of a survey we held in 2020 and sent to 470 centres worldwide, serving to explore how patients, healthcare professionals, and liver transplant centres across the world were affected by the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

A Reaffirmation of Organ Donation

International Medical Societies representing Transplantation Professionals across the globe support and nurture diversity and inclusion among their members, fostering education, and stand against any form of barriers in access, knowledge, transition and required training around the “Gift of Life”, particularly that related to gender, race, religion and income. We embrace a call of action to

ELITA Position statement and recommendations

2020 position statement and recommendations of the European Liver and Intestine Transplantation Association (ELITA): management of hepatitis B virus-related infection before and after liver transplantation Authors: Christophe Duvoux, Luca S. Belli, James Fung, Mario Angelico, Maria Buti, Audrey Coilly, Paolo Cortesi, François Durand, Cyrille Féray, Constantino Fondevila, Pascal Lebray, Silvia Martini, Frederik Nevens, Wojciech G. Polak, Mario Rizzetto, Riccardo Volpes, Fabien Zoulim, Didier Samuel, Marina Berenguer   First published: 19 July 2021 – https://doi.org/10.1111/apt.16374