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A message from the ESOT President

December 24, 2023 | All

Dear colleagues and friends,

As we approach the holiday season, we find ourselves reflecting on the incredible journey we had this year. Together, since the congress in Athens, we have embraced a strategic vision focusing on key drivers: outreach and advocacy, trusted care and shared care, science and research, education and knowledge sharing, and global transplant health. These pillars are guiding our collective efforts to advance the field of transplantation, and I am immensely proud of what we have achieved together in such a short time.

Our commitment to key principles such as engagement, sustainable development, agile organisation, equality, diversity, fairness, and inclusion has, and will continue to, shape an environment that is not only innovative and dynamic, but also compassionate and just. As we enter the holiday season, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the challenges of a world that remains in turmoil and what we can do as individuals and as a society to alleviate the suffering of our fellow human beings. We should also celebrate the progress achieved as a community and the positive impact we continue to have on the global transplant arena.

May the spirit of the season bring joy, warmth, and a renewed sense of purpose to each of you. Wishing you and your loved ones a merry holiday season and a new year filled with peace, health, happiness, and continued success.

With best regards,

Gabriel Oniscu
ESOT President

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