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2023 ESOT Council elections

May 29, 2023 | All | General

The 2023 ESOT Council elections will take place starting tomorrow, May 30.

Detailed information about the elections is available here.

If you are up to date with your ESOT membership, you will soon receive an invitation to vote in the 2023 Council elections from Civica Election Services, our trusted election partner (please remember to check your SPAM folder as well).

Not sure if you are an ESOT member in good standing? Check your membership status. Need help? Please email us at askme@esot.org

If you are not up to date with your ESOT membership, you will need to renew it in order to reactivate your voting rights. To ensure that we can process your request, please renew your membership no later than Monday, June 26 at midnight.

Once you renew your membership, we will need a couple of days to process your information and send you a voting email – please plan accordingly!

The voting platform will close at 23:59 CEST on Thursday, June 29. You will not be able to cast your vote after this time.


*Only Members residing in Europe shall be eligible to hold office in the Society and may vote for the election of Officers and on all matters brought before the General Assembly.

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