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Welcome to the Quality of care in post-transplant infectious disease course

September 3, 2024 | Education

Infections pose a challenge for individuals who have undergone solid organ transplants, often leading to numerous hospitalisations post-surgery and negatively affecting the survival rates of both patients and their transplanted organs alike. Enhancing the prevention and control of diseases following transplantation is vital, for enhancing the overall quality of care provided to transplant recipients. 

Designed with care by experts from around the world. Even with input from a patient advocate. This course is all about sharing the latest insights and practical approaches, from various transplant facilities to better tackle infections and enhance patient recovery. 

Programme overview 


  1. Introduction to infections in solid organ transplant patients 

Nassim Kamar, Toulouse University Hospital, France 

Module 1 – Common post-transplant infections 

  1. Common bacterial infections Lorena van den Bogaart, Infectious Disease Service, University Hospital of Lyon, France 
  2. Viral infections Ilkka Helantera, Helsinki University Hospital, Finland 
  3. Fungal infections José M Aguado, University Hospital 12 de Octubre, Madrid, Spain 

Module 2 – Difficult to treat infections 

  1. Treatment of refractory/resistant CMV Sophie Alain, Limoges University Hospital, France 
  2. Vaccination strategies in transplant candidates and recipients Olivier Epaulard, University of Grenoble-Alpes, France 
  3. Multidrug-resistant Gram-negative infections Maddalena Giannella, Infectious Diseases Unit, IRCCS AOU Bologna / Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy 
  4. Difficult to treat fungal infections Shahid Husain, University of Toronto, Canada 

Module 3 – Multidisciplinary team and person-centred care 

  1. Symptom management and person-centred care Anna Forsberg, Lund University, Sweden 
  2. Following recommendations and adapting to the new normal. Lifestyle, nutrition, physical exercise Anna Brantmark, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Pisana Ferrari, Patient Advocate, Italy 

This programme is created for healthcare professionals engaged in transplant care. Including surgeons, doctors, experts, coordinators, nurses and pharmacists. It caters to both professionals and trainees who are looking for hands-on advice to enhance patient results. 

ESOT Education created this platform with Luciano Potena and Luca Toti.

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