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ESOT TLJ 3.0 Bursaries

July 22, 2022 | General | TLJ

We are glad to announce that we are offering 10 bursaries allowing young transplant professionals in Europe to attend #ESOTTLJ 3.0 for free!

Applicants are able to apply for 1 of 10 available bursaries. Each covers the registration fee to attend the TLJ 3.0 consensus conference in person, in Prague, 13-15 November 2022.

Bursaries are offered on a first-come-first-served basis and applications must be submitted by the deadline of 31 July, 2022 to be eligible for a bursary.

Applicants will be notified on the success of their application within the first two weeks of September.

To apply, please send an email to justyna.klimek@esot.org with the following subject line: Application for bursaries for TLJ 3.0 Participation – followed by your name. In the body of the email, please include the following information:

First Name:

Second (family) Name:

Country of origin:

Your institution:

Address of your institution:

Your status:


For trainees, please attach enrolment status or a letter from a senior supervisor confirming status; for other applicants: please include a licence or a letter confirming status.

Find out more and apply now.

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