Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
The closing date is 20 November 2023
Job summary [Read more ]
We seek to recruit a Clinical Fellow within Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. This Fellowship is based in the Imperial College Renal and Transplant Centre at the Hammersmith Hospital. This post is 6 months to 1 year, with the potential to extend for a further year, subject to satisfactory appraisal. The Fellowship is suitable for either post-CCT trainees or surgeons in earlier stages of their training who have completed general surgical training and hold MRCS. The post is 100% clinical, and the candidate would be expected to contribute to audit and quality improvement work. The fellow will divide their work between on-call duties (one in seven on-call rota), elective operating, which includes live donor transplantation, peritoneal and haemodialysis access work as well as outpatient activity. There will be a degree of flexibility to accommodate the candidate’s interests.
Applicants are required to have full GMC registration with a license to practice, have completed basic surgical training, and be MRCS (UK) qualified. For further requirements for the post, please read the Person Specification.
Non-UK / EEA applicants should ensure they know the immigration rules for Postgraduate Doctors and Dentists. For further information on how this may affect your application, please visit or contact the Home Office’s Immigration and Nationality Enquiry Bureau by telephone: 0870 606 7766 or by e-mail: