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New resource available on Transplant Live: Management of CMV in solid organ transplant recipients

We are pleased to announce that our latest workshop, titled “Managing CMV in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients” is now available on ESOT Transplant Live [when in Transplant Live please go to Courses]. This educational programme aims to enhance the management of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections among transplant recipients, which can pose a significant challenge post-surgery. The

New course on post-transplant rehabilitation on Transplant Live

ETAHP (The European Transplant Allied Healthcare Professionals) is thrilled to announce a new online course on post-transplant rehabilitation. This course provides transplant professionals with the tools necessary to support patient recovery after transplantation through a team-based approach. The first three modules address the foundations of person-centred care, physical activity and exercise, and psychosocial well-being. The patient perspective is

NEW course on Organ Donation

We are delighted to launch our newest Transplant Live course on Organ Donation, created by Carl-Ludwig Fischer-Froelich, Nichon Jansen, and David Paredes. This course will provide participants will an overview on the current criteria for donor detection, death certification and workflow authorisation concerning organ procurement. Additionally, participants will explore the management of the donor and

Registration now open for HESPERIS course 2022

HESPERIS is a comprehensive course on organ transplantation, perfectly suited for individuals who are entering the field and who wish to further their career. The 2022 edition will be held in a blended format, with online preparatory activities and a 2-day in-person programme, to be held in Rome on 4-5 April 2022. The deadline to register is 14 March 2022.

Registrations for HESPERIS are now open

We are delighted to inform you that the 2021 edition of the Hesperis course will take place online, in an innovative and exciting format. Learn more about the features that make Hesperis 2021 a unique educational opportunity for emerging professionals: from anywhere across Europe and beyond, learners will be able to gain an extensive overview