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2-year Postdoctoral position in Transplant Immunology

2-year Postdoctoral position in Transplant Immunology at the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR), in the Translational Nephrology and Transplantation Laboratory group led by professor Oriol Bestard, in Barcelona.   JOB DESCRIPTION Education and qualifications: Innovative research in the field of solid organ transplantation, using novel technologies to assess allogeneic and anti-viral immunity in the

Introducing the “Best of ESOT Congress 2023” Slide Deck!

Immerse yourself in a world of groundbreaking discoveries and exceptional scientific achievements with our curated selection from this year’s ESOT Congress. We are incredibly excited to present a collection that encapsulates the essence of innovation, collaboration and the future of organ transplantation. This compilation of slides is more than an assortment; it serves as your