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ELPAT is a European platform that brings continuity and progress in European research and dialogue on “Ethical, Legal and Psychosocial Aspects of organ Transplantation”. ELPAT currently consists of over 160 experts from more than 25 European countries. 

ELPAT strives to inform the general public about new developments in the field of ethical, legal and psychosocial aspects of organ transplantation. For this reason its website will not only aim at professionals, but will also establish pages where lay people can find information about ethical, legal and psychosocial aspects of organ transplantation.

Since February 2008 ELPAT is an official section of the European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) on ethical, legal and psychosocial aspects of organ transplantation. It aims to integrate and structure this field of science by bringing together European professionals. These experts range from (bio)ethicists, philosophers, lawyers and psychologists to clinicians, physicians, sociologists, anthropologists, policy makers and criminologists. ELPAT currently consists of over 160 experts from more than 25 European countries, that convene in 7 working groups.



The ELPAT platform was founded during an EU-funded international conference in April 2007 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, on ethical, legal and psychosocial aspects of organ transplantation.  From April 17-20, 2010 the 2nd ELPAT conference took place in Rotterdam. Both conferences generated books that contain the proceedings of the conferences. They can be ordered through this website, under ‘Resources’.

The 3rd ELPAT conference took place from 20-23 April 2013. We expect to publish the book with the proceedings of this conference in the beginning of 2014. In addition, ELPAT organizes satellite meetings synchronized with ESOT, TTS and ETCO meetings. The first joint ESOT/ELPAT meeting took place in Prague on October 2, 2007, called, ‘Organ Tourism in Europe’. Since then, ELPAT has organized multiple joint satellite meetings at international conferences worldwide.  Finally, ELPAT organizes annual invitational working group meetings in which action plans, ongoing studies and results are presented and discussed. The meetings took place in Juan les Pins (France) in 2008 and 2009, in Sofia (Bulgaria) in 2010, in Berlin (Germany) in 2011 and in Taormina (Italy) in 2012. The meetings in 2010-11 were co-funded by the European Commission. Our latest meeting was held in Juan Les Pins (France) from November 22-24, 2013.


Website and Forum

In addition to the ELPAT conferences and ESOT satellite meetings, information and knowledge is disseminated through the ELPAT website, its forum and a bi-annual newsletter. All information about ELPAT is posted on the website. It provides information about ELPAT activities, namely the scope of the 7 ELPAT working groups, the ELPAT Congresses and the annual working group meetings.

ESOT manual for clinical practice guidelines

This handbook formalises the processes associated with the preparation of ESOT CPGs, including selecting topics for new guidelines, writing and reviewing approval, dissemination, and...

April 2, 2024 | Basic science | Cell | Composite tissue | Education | Ethics, Law and Psychosocial | General | Heart | Intestine | Islets | Kidney | Liver | Lung | Non-organ specific | Organ donation | Organ regeneration | Pancreas | Patients | Self-management | TLJ | Transplant coordination | Transplant nursing | Xenograft

ESOT statement on New Horizon programme

ESOT is proud to improve outcomes for patients with terminal organ disease by means of transplantation, organ regeneration and substitution. In response to recent...

March 7, 2024 | Ethics, Law and Psychosocial

ELPAT Expert Working Groups

ELPAT – The European Platform on Ethical, Legal and Psychosocial Aspects of Organ Transplantation – would like to announce a call for nominations for...

February 13, 2023 | Ethics, Law and Psychosocial | General | Non-organ specific