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EDTCO Chair 2023-2025

Graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1989 at the Autonomous University of Barcelona Specialist in intensive care medicine, trained at the University Hospital of Bellvitge (1991-1997). European Transplant Coordinator (ETCO certification) 2005 Master on Bioethics and Law: health Issues and Biotechnology, by Observatori de Bioètica i Dret Barcelona University. In-hospital Transplant Coordinator at University Hospital Vall Hebron in Barcelona (2000-2014) Auditor by ONT (Organizacion Nacional de Trasplantes ) for QAP (quality assurance program) since 2005 Present position: In-Hospital transplant coordinator and Head of teaching studies (for training doctors) at University Hosital Josep Tueta in Girona (since 2015) Active Member in different societies regarding transplant and intensive care unit : Board member of the Catalan Transplant Society (SCT) and the Spanish Transplant Society (SET). Coordinator of the bioethics group of the SEMICYUC (Intensive Care Spanish Society). Active member in the consolidation of new transplant-programs on behalf of the TAIEX (Turkey, Croatia, Slovenia or Albania) and TPM… developing emergent programs. President of the Deontological Commission at Physicians College of Girona (since 2012)
