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ELITA Secretary 2023-2025

Hermien Hartog, MD PhD FEBS, is consultant surgeon HPB- and liver transplantation for adults and children, at the University Medical Center Groningen in Groningen, the Netherlands. Previously, she worked as consultant surgeon at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Birmingham Children’s Hospital in Birmingham, UK, from 2020-2022. She completed her surgical training in 2014 and specialised in HPB, liver- and kidney transplant surgery at the Erasmus MC, University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Her clinical and research interests include adult and pediatric liver transplantation, intestinal transplantation, and post-transplantation patient care.
In 2013, she received the ESOT short stay and study grant, allowing her to venture on a 6- month fellowship in paediatric liver transplantation at the Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, UK. The opportunity offered for this fellowship has been fundamental for her future career and fueled a passion for liver transplant surgery. For the ELITA board, Hermien will focus on encouraging engagement and involvement of patients and patient support groups, and promoting training opportunities and interconnections for young professionals in liver and intestinal transplantation in Europe.
