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Italian Association for Liver Transplant Patients

Name: Associazione Italiana Trapiantati di Fegato

Name in English: Italian Association for Liver Transplant Patients

Acronym: A.I.T.F.

About: AITF, Associazione Italiana Trapiantati di Fegato, was founded in Turin in 1988 by Carlo Maffeo, with the purpose of:

  • Offering moral and practical support to patients suffering from liver disease, awaiting transplant or transplantees
  • Providing information on transplantation
  • Raising awareness about donation and disease prevention
  • Supporting training and scientific research
  • Improving the health and social conditions of patients

AITF actively interacts with regional and national health authorities and works with major organizations operating in the donation and transplantation field.

Country: Italy

Address: c/o Ospedale Molinette – Corso Bramante, 88 – 10126 Torino – Italy

Phone number: +39 011 6336374

Website: https://aitfnazionale.it/

Contact: aitfnazionale@libero.it
