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The project “Quality of Life after Liver Transplantation” is an initiative by ESOT (European Society for Organ Transplantation) aimed at enhancing the understanding of the needs of individuals who require or have undergone liver transplantation. The main objectives of this project are: to acquire greater knowledge of the needs of people who need or received a liver transplant and to provide the patient community with curated, easily accessible educational resources that will meet their needs and contribute to improving their quality of life after transplantation.

The project ensures that patient representation and participation are central to the initiative by fostering cooperation and dialogue between patients and healthcare professionals. This approach helps tailor the educational resources to meet the actual needs of the transplant population and promotes a patient-centric approach to healthcare. The ultimate goal of the “Quality of Life after Liver Transplantation” project is to improve the quality of life and overall well-being of liver transplant recipients, by enhancing their post-transplant experience and supporting their long-term health outcomes.

Steering Committee

Giacomo Germani


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Teresa Antonini
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Enrico Bollini
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Maria Speranta Iacob


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Maria Cristina Morelli
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Sara Pasquato
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Liz Schick
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Heiner Wedemeyer
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Fabien Zoulim
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The project is coordinated by

Giovanna Rossi
Senior Project Manager
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Supriya Barve
Project Coordinator
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This activity is possible thanks to the kind support of Biotest.