ESOT – The Society
The European Society for Organ Transplantation is a medical and scientific not-for-profit Society dedicated to the exchange of knowledge in donation and transplantation. The scope of the Society is to improve health and well-being of patients affected by end-stage organ diseases. ESOT is a platform for voluntary professionals in the field of transplantation, to whom it provides an extensive education programme and best-practice guidelines.
ESOT is registered as a charity (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling: ANBI) in the Netherlands. RSIN, Legal Entities & Partnerships Identification Number: 820509498. The ANBI Policy document is here: ESOT ANBI Policy
The purpose of the society is:
– furthering and encouragement of knowledge and research concerning donation and/or transplantation;
– creating a scientific forum for activities in the field of donation and/or transplantation.
ESOT aims to achieve this purpose, among other things, through:
– being a forum for discussions about both positive and negative clinical and scientific experiences, introduction of confirmed experimental findings and new methods within the clinical practice, legal and ethical problems and questions related to donation and/or transplantation and experimental research;
– planning and organizing of multi-centre studies;
– collaboration with organ distributing and other organizations or authorities dealing with organ donation and/or transplantation;
– contributing to education and training;
– contributing to quality guidelines concerning donation and/or transplantation;
– taking part in legal persons, whatever their legal form, which are aimed at obtaining financial means for the benefit of the society.
The Bylaws of the Society are published in the Section ‘About ESOT/Bylaws’ of this website.
ESOT Council
Executive Committee members
- President: Gabriel Oniscu
- Secretary: Umberto Cillo
- Treasurer: Frank Dor
- President-elect: Olivier Thaunat
- Past President: Luciano Potena
- Chief Executive Officer: Devi Mey
Section & Committee Chairs
- ECTTA Chair: Cristiano Amarelli
- ELITA Chair: Giacomo Germani
- EKITA Chair: Emin Baris Akin
- EPITA Chair: Joana Ferrer
- EDTCO Chair: Nuria Masnou Burralló
- ELPAT Chair: Christina Papachristou
- ECTORS Chair: Sandra Lindstedt
- VCA Committee Chair: Fadi Issa
- Basic Science Committee Chair: Maria Kaisar
- Education Committee Chair: Liset Pengel
- ETAHP Committee Chair: Marleen Van Buren
- YPT Committee Chair: Dilan Dabare
- Chloë Ballesté Delpierre
- Ekaterine Berishvili
- Amedeo Carraro
- Anna Forsberg
- Maria Speranta Iacob
- Geir Mjoen
- Annemarie Weissenbacher
ESOT Foundation Chair
TI Editor-in-Chief
CET Director
ESOT trains and supports its members through an extensive Educational Programme and encourages excellence through its Awards & Grants Programme. Furthermore, ESOT gathers the European and international transplant scene at its biennial Congress.
Payment Policy
Board members do not receive any salary. A salary scheme for the personnel is applicable.
The role of the volunteer leads
Volunteers and their leads play a major role within the Vereniging ESOT. They are a wide range of clinicians, scientists, coordinators, nurses and other transplant professionals who contribute to Vereniging ESOT in many different ways supporting ESOT for a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 years, depending on their role and according to the bylaws. Volunteers serving ESOT are not paid for their services.
Their tasks cover three main areas of intervention:
a. Support in organization management, including the preparation and attendance of Council, sub-groups and board meetings, fund raising and administrative activities;
b. Provide specific expertise and scientific content for the preparation and the development of all education events, in addition they offer tutorial assistance during the onsite programme, sometime for few consecutive days;
c. Organize specialty meetings, including the major event, offering know-how and presentations of medical trails and clinical cases.
ESOT Executive
– Treasurer
The Treasurer is an elected volunteer lead whose task is to supervise financial and administrative operations, to prepare reports for Council and the General Assembly, and to collaborate with sponsorship activities. The Treasurer is the key position for strategic advice and finance supervision, and reports to Council and GA. Professional advice and auditing is delegated to a specialized Firm.
– Secretary
The Secretary is a volunteer elected lead with specific functions in relation to internal and external politics, as well as in the areas of governance and structural review, strategy and growth plan development. In addition, he coordinates Council activities, administers the initial stage of each education event (application and selection processes), the grant program and certain issues in relation to the membership.
– President
The President is the lead member for the Association and is generally elected after serving the Society in other positions. He takes the key representative and institutional role and shares many of the functions described for the Secretary.
The role of the employed staff
An internal independent structure was established with the aim of providing consistent and high-quality meeting services for all ESOT events organized by the various sub-sections.
The Office occupies the role of Organizing Secretariat for the biennial congress and for all the education events, part of these management services (registration and accommodation), as well as certain administrative tasks, are outsourced to an external PCO, as paid staff would be insufficient to cover the whole necessity.
Employed Staff of the unit is formed by five professionals, associated to a specific area of intervention: Meeting services – Section & Committee secretarial services – Administration & Finance – General Secretariat – Presidency.
Society Activity
A number of education activities are performed by ESOT throughtout the year. Activities are listed in the Section ‘Event&Education’ of this website.
Financial Statement
We hereby include Financial Statements for the years 2012 – 2023
ANBI standard form 2023
2023_Financial _Statements
ANBI standard form 2022
2022_Financial _Statements
ANBI standard form 2021
2021 Financial Statements
2020 Financial Statements
2019 Financial Statements
2018 Financial Statements
2017 Financial Statements
2016 Financial Statements
2015 Financial Statements
2014 Financial Statements
2013 Financial Statements
2012 Financial Statements
ESOT – The Foundation
Steunstichting ESOT (ESOT Foundation) is the support foundation of the European Society for Organ Transplantation. All funds of the Steunstichting ESOT are distributed to the European Society for Organ Transplantation in order to enable it to perform not-for-profit activities as mentioned above.
Chair: Luciano Potena
Secretary: Umberto Cillo
Treasurer: Olivier Thaunat
Members: Ruud Krouwer, Gabriel Oniscu