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Within ELPAT, there are seven working groups. Each working group addresses a specific topic in the field of ethical, legal and psychosocial aspects of organ transplantation. The purpose of these study groups is to elaborate on these topics in-depth, and to study the possibilities for European uniformity / guidelines on that specific topic. The seven working groups are:

Deceased Donation (DD)

Chair: David Shaw (Switzerland)

Ethical and Legal Issues (ELI)

Chair: Eline Bunnik (The Netherlands)

Living Organ Donation (LOD)

Chair: Gregory Moorlock (United Kingdom)

Organ Trade and Trafficking (OTT)

Chair: Adnan Shariff (United Kingdom)

Paediatric Donation and Transplantation (PEDAT)

Chair: Joe Brierley (United Kingdom)

Psychological Care for Living Donors and Recipients (PC)

Chair: Inês Mega (Portugal)

Public Issues (PI)

Chair: Sabine Woehlke (Germany)

ELPAT Board Members

Christina Papachristou
ELPAT Chair 2024-2027
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Frederike Ambagtsheer
ELPAT Vice-Chair 2024-2027
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Joe Brierley
ELPAT Paediatric Donation and Transplantation WG Chair 2022-2025
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Eline Bunnik
ELPAT Ethical and Legal Issues WG Chair 2025 - 2028
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Ines Mega
ELPAT Psychological Care WG Chair 2017-2024
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Adnan Shariff
ELPAT Organ Trade and Trafficking WG Chair 2025 - 2028
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Gregory Moorlock
ELPAT Living Organ Donation WG Chair 2022-2025
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Sabine Woehlke
ELPAT Public Issues WG Chair 2025 - 2028
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David Shaw
ELPAT Deceased Donation WG Chair 2022-2025
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The European Platform on Ethical, Legal and Psychosocial Aspects of Organ Transplantation (henceforth referred to as ELPAT) was established in April 2007 at an international conference in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ELPAT is a European platform that brings continuity and progress in European research and dialogue on ‘Ethical, Legal and Psychosocial Aspects of organ Transplantation’. ELPAT was incorporated on nineteen February two thousand and eight as a Section into the European Society for Organ Transplantation (henceforth referred to as ESOT).

With reference to Article 10 of the BYLAWS of ESOT, ELPAT can formulate regulations. These regulations cannot conflict with the law and with the statutes and regulations of ESOT.
This document describes the regulations of ELPAT which have been approved by the ELPAT Assembly.


ELPAT is a Section of ESOT specifically dedicated to the  ethical, legal and psychosocial aspects of organ donation and transplantation. ELPAT also advises the ESOT Executive and Council and other stakeholders including healthcare professionals working in donation and transplantation on aforementioned aspects.


The aims of ELPAT are:
– to create a multidisciplinary scientific forum for ethical, legal and psychosocial activities in the field of donation and/or transplantation;
– to stimulate collaboration, innovation and  knowledge exchange on ethical, legal and psychosocial aspects of donation and transplantation;
– to bring continuity and structure to the dialogue on complex ethical, legal and psychosocial issues in organ donation and transplantation;
– to contribute to development of clinical practice, research, education, and policy;
– to give guidance and to share best practice to professionals on ethical, legal and psychosocial aspects of organ donation and transplantation.

ELPAT activities to achieve these aims are:
– organizing regular, international, open and invitational conferences, meetings and symposia;
– initiate, lead, and participate in research;
– disseminate knowledge through publications and meetings.



All ELPAT members are ESOT members who specify their affiliation with ELPAT. ELPAT affiliates have the rights and benefits derived from being ESOT members and must comply with their responsibilities.


ELPAT consists of the following bodies: ELPAT Assembly, ELPAT Board, seven ELPAT Expert Working Groups, and Secretariat.

1. ELPAT Assembly
The ELPAT Assembly consists of ELPAT affiliates. These are ESOT members who specify
their affiliation with ELPAT during registration or thereafter. The ELPAT Assembly convenes every two years during an ESOT congress or ELPAT conference.

2. The ELPAT Board
ELPAT is governed by the ELPAT Board. The ELPAT Board defines the theme of each
expert working group. The Board convenes at least once a year. The Chair convenes and chairs the Board meetings (or the Vice-Chair in the absence of the Chair). Decisions are
made by a simple majority vote by all Board members. The Board consists of the Chair, Vice-Chair, and the Chair of each expert working group.

 2.a. Chair
The Chair leads ELPAT. The Chair of ELPAT is a voting member of the ESOT Council. The ELPAT Vice-Chair becomes ELPAT Chair at the end of their three-year term as Vice-Chair (see the procedure in section 2.b.) for a single three-year mandate. The election of the
ELPAT Chair is confirmed by the ESOT Council and is communicated to the ELPAT
The tasks of the Chair include but are not limited to:
● liaising with the ESOT Executive and Council;
● convening and chairing ELPAT Board meetings;
● organizing and facilitating ELPAT meetings, symposia and conferences;
● liaising with the expert working group Chairs;
● encourage application for funding for ELPAT activities
● coordinating and monitoring the scientific activities and output of the expert working
● identifying, developing and maintaining stakeholder relationships.

2.b. Vice-Chair
The Vice-Chair has a seat on the ELPAT Board and supports the Chair in leading ELPAT.
Only ELPAT affiliates in good standing with their ESOT membership and who are current members of an ELPAT expert working group can be nominated to become Vice-Chair.
ELPAT expert working group members who would like to nominate themselves for the
position must be supported by letters from two ELPAT affiliates or expert working group members. The Vice-Chair is elected by the ELPAT Board and members of the ELPAT expert working groups by a simple majority vote. In the case of a tie-break, the vote will open to ELPAT affiliates. The successful candidate will have a 3-year mandate as Vice- Chair, following which they will assume the role of Chair.

The election of ELPAT Vice-Chair is confirmed by the ESOT Council and is communicated to the affiliates.
The tasks of the Vice-Chair include but are not limited to:
● acting as a central point of contact for ELPAT members, stakeholders and other key persons;
● together with the ELPAT Chair, organizing and facilitating ELPAT meetings,
symposia and conferences;
● identifying new topics and strategies for ELPAT
● representing ELPAT at ESOT Council meetings in the absence of the Chair.

3. ELPAT Expert Working Groups
ELPAT affiliates are eligible to participate in one or more of the ELPAT expert working groups; the number and purpose designated by the ELPAT Board. Expert working group
focuses on a topic related to ethical, legal and psychosocial aspects of organ donation and transplantation and is led by a Chair and Co-Chair. The expert working groups convene twice every three years.

3.a. Expert Working Group Members
Expert working group Members will be recruited via an open call for nominations
distributed to ELPAT affiliates. Those wishing to apply will be required to submit a statement outlining their experience in the field and a CV. Nominees will be shortlisted by the expert working group Chair and co-chairs, and presented to the ELPAT Board for consideration and selection.
Previous restrictions on the size of ELPAT expert working groups have been lifted in light of the hybrid working patterns currently adopted by many professional organizations.
Where an in-person meeting is being held, individual expert working groups shall decide who will attend in person and who will attend virtually (maximum 8-10 in-person attendees per expert working group).

3.b Expert Working Group Chair and Co-chair
There is one Chair and one Co-Chair per expert working group. The Chair is nominated by members of their individual expert working group. Should there be more than one candidate, the position will be elected by the ELPAT affiliates by a simple majority vote.

The Chair is elected for a fixed term of three years and may be re-elected once. The Co- Chair is nominated by the expert working group to assist the Chair in the co-ordination and execution of the expert working group activities. They are not formally elected to this role.
Each expert working group Chair has a seat in the ELPAT Board and in his/her absence may be deputized by the Co-Chair.
The task and role of the expert working group Chair and Co-chair is to:
● encourage application for funding for ELPAT activities;
● outline and develop the short- and long-term research strategy for their expert working group;
● stimulate the production of outputs;
● help prepare and organize the ELPAT conferences and events;
● introduce new affiliates;
● encourage active participation of affiliates.

4. Secretarial Support
Secretarial support for the administration of ELPAT, nominations and elections, and the coordination of Section activities is provided by the ESOT Office.


The platform convenes for an indefinite length of time and has no profit motive.
Income and expenses are included in the ELPAT budget cycle, which is periodically presented by the ELPAT Chair to ESOT and is pursuant to its approval. ELPAT can acquire funds. These funds can be earmarked within the administration of ESOT for the benefit of ELPAT in collaboration with the ESOT Treasurer and Executive.


A suggested change of the ELPAT Regulations is proposed by the Board and approved by the ELPAT Assembly (affiliates). Changes to the regulations are confirmed by the Council of ESOT.


Dissolution and settlement of ELPAT occurs in accordance with the bylaws of ESOT.


In all matters not provided by these regulations, decisions are made by the ELPAT Board in agreement with the Council of ESOT.