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The activities and resources presented on this page were designed to provide a comprehensive educational path for the recognition, treatment, and prevention of multi-drug-resistant infections in solid organ transplant recipients. The programme covers bacterial, fungal and viral infections with a specific focus on Cytomegalovirus refractory/resistant infections and ICU acquired infections.

The goal of this educational initiative is to engage the multidisciplinary team involved in transplantation care at different career stages.

Scientific Committee

Luciano Potena
ESOT Past President 2023-2025
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Luca Toti
Education Committee Chair


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Jose Maria Aguado
Infectious Disease taskforce
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Gregor Bond
Infectious Disease taskforce
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Saskia Bos
Infectious Disease taskforce
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Anna Brantmark
Nursing / Allied healthcare lead 2022-2025
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David Cucchiari
EKITA Board Member 2021-2025
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Pisana Ferrari
Patient advocate
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Paolo Grossi
Infectious Disease taskforce Chair
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Hannah Kaminski
Infectious Disease taskforce
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Muhammad Khurram
Outreach lead 2022-2025
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Oriol Manuel
Infectious Disease taskforce
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Berta Saez-Gimenez
Infectious Disease taskforce
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Ines Ushiro-Lumb
Infectious Disease taskforce
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All projects on this page were developed under a healthcare collaboration between the European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) and Takeda that aims to benefit patient care. All content has been developed independently by ESOT.

The project is coordinated by

Valentina Ricci
Head of Governance & Education
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Denise De Salvo
Project Coordinator
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