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Michael Nicholson, Head of the Division of Academic General and Transplant Surgery at the University of Cambridge, is an esteemed Professor of Transplant Surgery and an Honorary Consultant at Addenbrooke’s Hospital. As the lead for live donor kidney transplantation in Cambridge, he has successfully performed over 7000 laparoscopic live donor nephrectomies and conducted more than 1000 kidney transplants.

Michael is also the Director of the NIHR Blood and Transplant Research Unit in Organ Donation and Transplantation. Leading a dedicated research group, he focuses on advancing renal normothermic machine perfusion, aiming to assess marginal kidneys and deliver pre-transplant allograft therapies. With over 360 published papers, 33 successfully supervised doctorates and an impressive £15 million raised in external grant funding, Michael is a true leader and innovator in the field.

Reflecting on his accomplishments, Michael expresses his gratitude for being bestowed the esteemed ESOT Legacy Award:

“I was both delighted and humbled to hear that ESOT has honoured me with their 2023 Legacy Award. Any success I have had is a result of working with some of the brightest young researchers in transplantation, and I dedicate this award to them. Organ transplantation remains one of the outstanding successes of modern medicine – transforming and extending the lives of many thousands of people – but there are still problems to solve. Fortunately, we are in a time of unprecedented discovery in medical science, with unparalleled opportunities to use technologies such as machine perfusion to increase organ utilisation and improve long-term outcomes.”

