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National patients’ organization NPO

Name: Национална пациентска организация

Name in English: National patients’ organization

About:  NPO is currently the largest patient’s’ umbrella organization in Bulgaria. With a decision of the Minister of Health care of Bulgaria, NPO is recognized as a national representative organisation for defence of patients’ rights in Bulgaria. With the help of our members our cause is to work for organ donations and transplantations in Bulgaria.

Under NPO with have different organizations each for different  organ transplantations, like such: Association of patients’ with respiratory failure and lung transplantations (lung recipients), Bulgarian society of patients’ with pulmonary hypertension (lung and heart recipients),

Foundation patients with chronical renal failure and haemodialysis in Bulgaria (kidney recipients). At NPO we have a specialized section that works with those associations that are our members.

Country: Bulgaria

Website: www.npo.bg

Contact: mariya.ch@npo.bg
