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Model For End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD)

The Model For End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) are numerical scales used for liver allocation.

Note: If a patient is on hemodialysis at the time of the scoring, serum creatinine will be set to 4 mg/dL Creat = 353.6 µmol/L_Cr, the maximum creatinine level allowed in the model.

RiskScore = 10 * ((.957 * ln(Creat * A)) + (.378 * ln(Bili * B)) + (1.12 * ln(INR))) + 6.43
A = mol_Cr * 10-4 = 0.0113122171945701
B = mol_Bili * 10-4 = 0.0584795321637427

A BAR Score Calculator to predict outcome after orthotopic liver transplantation is also available, courtesy of AssesSurgery.
Please click here to access the BAR Calculator on
