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European Kidney Patients’ Federation

Name: Europäischer Nierenpatientenverband

Name in English: European Kidney Patients’ Federation

Acronym: EKPF

About: The EKPF (European Kidney Patient Federation) is a non-profit organisation representing more than 75 million people with kidney health problems in Europe. Its members bring together 27 national kidney patient federations from 26 different countries across Europe. The EKPF aims, at European level, to put kidney disease on the European public health agenda and to promote prevention and early detection through a European quality standard in the treatment of
CKD patients. In this way it works to improve the well-being, treatment, social security and living conditions of all patients and their families and carers, to increase cooperation and information exchange with organisations and institutions involved in kidney diseases and to increase organ donation and transplantation.

Country: Austria

Website: https://ekpf.eu/

Contact: info@ekpf.eu
