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The intention of the ESOT VCA Section is to foster the scientific and clinical development of Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation (VCA) in Europe and to serve as a platform for scientists and clinicians for information exchange between ESOT and the Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation Community.

1.  Establish and maintain a panel of no less than five and no more than ten ESOT members, who are experts in VCA for representation of the ESOT VCA Section and execution of its functions.

2.  Represent ESOT as a scientific, educational and clinical entity in the development of VCA and collaborate with other sections of ESOT to endorse ethical, scientific and clinical principles.

3.  Promote the advancement of VCA in Europe through enhancement of education, communication and funding opportunities.

4.  Provide a platform for information and data exchange between centers in Europe who are actively involved or interested in VCA.

5.  Collaborate with other National and International VCA Societies and develop a network and scientific exchange between this and other groups.

6.  Work with governmental agencies of the European Union as well as national and local legislative bodies to develop guidelines and/or a legislative framework for VCA in the EU.