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As part of our 40th Anniversary, we are excited to announce our European Think Tank on ‘Tackling Inequalities in Organ Transplantation – A Pathway Forward’! Taking place on Thursday 28th April 2022, 14:00 – 16:00 (CEST).


Featuring leading voices from around Europe, this Think Tank has been specifically designed to discuss and address inequalities in organ transplantation across Europe. During this session, we will be covering a variety of inequalities associated with access to treatment and HCP and patient education, with the goal of reaching a consensus on a set of recommendations and actions aimed at supporting existing EU initiatives to improve service delivery and sustainability. ESOT will then take these action points and work with its partners and networks to facilitate and drive change in existing inequalities.

The event will feature presentations from policymakers and key opinion leaders from the field of organ transplantation, including:


Béatrice Garrido-MarquezPolicy Officer for Substances of Human Origin (DG SANTE)

Emanuele CozziPresident of the European Committee on Organ Transplantation

Gabriel OniscuESOT President-elect

Pisana FerrariSteering Committee Member for the ESOT Patients Initiative

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