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Professor of Medicine, Department of Digestive Diseases, Hepatology and Liver Transplantation Unit, La Fe University Hospital and CIBERehd, Valencia, Spain

Professor Marina Berenguer is a Consultant Hepatologist at La Fe University Hospital in Valencia, Spain, where she is responsible for the Hepatology and Liver transplantation Unit. She trained in medicine at the University of Valencia before completing a fellowship at the VA Medical Center / University of California (USA) with Dr. T. Wright.  She is also Full Professor of Medicine at the University of Valencia, Faculty of Medicine.

President of the International Liver Transplant Society in 2021-2022.

Research Coordinator within a National Network Research Center in Hepatology, CIBER-EHD, leading one of the few CIBER groups in the Valencia region and Coordinator of La Fe University Research Group “Hepatology, Hepatobiliopancreatic surgery and Transplantation”.

Prof. Berenguer is recognised internationally in the field of Hepatology with extensive research covering clinical, basic, and translational works. Regular invited speaker in Hepatology forums, including the direction of Postgraduate & Transplant Courses and Consensus Conferences from which clinical practice guidelines endorsed by the American, European, International or Spanish Liver or Transplant Societies are issued (Hepatitis C: 2013, 2016,  2018, 2020 -AASLD, EASL, ILTS, AEEH; Alcoholic liver disease: ILTS 2017; Immunosuppression: ILTS 2018; metabolically-associated liver disease: ILTS 2018, extrahepatic cancer and LT: ILTS 2021; ERAS in LT: ILTS 2022; ACLF: EASL 2023; Biomarkers in Liver Transplantation: ESOT 2023).

COUNCILLOR in different Societies, such as the European Organ Transplant (2011-14), the European LT (ELITA: 2017-19), ILTS (2013-17; 2019-2023), Spanish Liver (AEEH-2009-10, 2013-14), Digestive (SEPD, 2004-08) or Transplantation (SET, 2019-2023) Societies.

ASSOCIATE EDITOR in “Liver Transpl” and “J. Hepatol” from 2010 to 2014 and DEPUTY Editor in “Transplantation” (2015-19) and J Hep Report (2019-2023).

Consultant/expert in National Grant Committees, such as the “Agence Nationale de la Recherche” (France) and the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (Spain).

Co-founder in 2016 of the Spanish Group of Women Hepatologists (GEMHEP) as well as first chair of the Women (EDI) Committee within ILTS.

Recipient of several Awards, including the Medical-Scientific Award from the Liver Transplant Patient Association (2007), the Mayo Clinic award (2014), the Professionalism Award granted by EVAP- Business and Professional Association (2019) and the award “Una de Primera” by the Federation of First Class Fallas as recognition for women of great influence in the Valencian Community not directly related to the world of fallas in 2023. In addition, she received the Professional Trajectory Recognition by the Valencian Government in 2010.  In 2023, she has been nominated to join the Royal Academy of Medicine of the Valencian Community.
