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ECTORS Board Member 2023-2027

Luc van der Laan is professor in Liver Regenerative Medicine and Head of the Laboratory of Experimental Transplantation and Intestinal Surgery (LETIS). He works at the Erasmus MC Transplant Institute, Department of Surgery, University Medical Center Rotterdam, performing research on organ transplantation and regenerative medicine. His academic education started in Amsterdam, where he studied Biology at the University of Amsterdam and received his PhD degree there 1998. As a post-doc he moved to life-sciences hotspot La Jolla, California/USA where he worked for three years at The Scripps Research Institute studying islets transplantation and xenogenic infections (Nature 407: 90). He has over 200 international peer-reviewed publications, received numerous national and international scientific awards and trained many undergraduate and PhD students. He is scientific lead of the Convergence Health Technology program “multi-organ on chip” and the Medical Delta program “Regenerative Medicine 4D” and was councilor of the Dutch Transplantation Society. His professional ambition is discovering regenerative medicine applications of organoids and biomaterials for liver diseases and improvement of liver transplantation.
