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Logo FInnish association liver and kidney

The Finnish Kidney and Liver Association

Name: Munuais- ja maksaliitto

Name in English: The Finnish Kidney and Liver Association

About: The Finnish Kidney and Liver Association is a nationwide patient and non-governmental organization. The association supports the wellbeing of those with kidney and liver diseases and who have received organ transplants and their families and loved ones and promotes their rights. There are 6000 members in 18 member associations. Association provides peer support and distributes reliable information on kidney and liver diseases and their treatment, as well as information concerning organ transplants.

Country: Finland

Website: www.muma.fi

Contact: https://www.muma.fi/liitto/yhteystiedot 

Executive director: sari.hogstrom@muma.fi

Communication manager: petri.inomaa@muma.fi
