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EKITA Board Member 2023-2027

Dr. Elvana Rista is the founder and current director of the Kidney Transplantation Program at International Hospital, Tirana, Albania. Dr. Rista graduated from the University of Tirana, with an MD in “General Medicine” and completed her specialty training in Renal Medicine at University Hospital Center “Mother Teresa” (UHCMT). She obtained her PhD degree at the University of Medicine Tirana with a focus on “Acute Kidney Injury”.

Dr. Rista has attended several advanced trainings in kidney transplantation at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, and different post-graduate courses in kidney disease at Harvard Medical School. She has been actively involved in the field of kidney transplantation ever since it first started being performed in Albania.  She is dedicated to raising awareness about transplantation, with a particular focus on promoting living pre-emptive kidney donation, especially in Balkan countries.

She has over 10 years of extensive experience in living-donor kidney transplants, and she currently oversees all kidney transplantations performed in her institution. In addition, she runs the Hemodialysis Program, bridging the gap in KRT options. She is the author of numerous publications on both acute, chronic kidney disease and kidney transplantation.
