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Alliance for Pulmonary Hypertension

Name: Alliance for Pulmonary Hypertension IVZW Internationale Vereniging Zonder Winstoogmerk

Name in English: Alliance for Pulmonary Hypertension

Acronym: AfPH

About: The Alliance for Pulmonary Hypertension (AfPH) is registered in Brussels (Belgium) as an international non-profit organisation (IVWZ). It was established in 2020 by a group of pulmonary hypertension patient associations from Belgium (HTAP Belgique and Pulmonale Hypertensie vzw), France, Germany, Greece, Latvia and Poland. The Turkish pulmonary hypertension association, PAHSSc, was accepted as a new Member of the AfPH at the 2022 AGA. The Dutch
Pulmonary Hypertension Association, Stichting Pulmonale Hypertensie, and the Italian Pulmonary Hypertension Association, AIPI, were accepted as full members at the 2023 AGA and PHA Japan‘s application for associate membership was also accepted on that date. The AfPH’s mission is the sharing of knowledge and expertise about pulmonary hypertension across the community.

Country: Belgium

Website: https://www.allianceforpulmonaryhypertension.com/

Contact: info@allianceforph.org
