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Five Sevda Hassan Study Scholarships are available for European transplant professionals who wish to visit a European Transplant Centre (different from the applicant’s institution) to acquire specific knowledge and skills important for the applicant’s overall career progression and for the overall progress of the applicant’s institution. The duration of the programme is between two weeks and six months. Terms and conditions apply.

Target Audience
European transplant professionals of all disciplines.

Grant Offering
Five grants are available, offering up to EUR 4,000 to each successful applicant.

Please note that ESOT will cover travel expenses (flight, accommodation, etc.) related to the stay of each successful applicant in the identified European Transplant Centre for up to EUR 4,000. The amount of the reimbursement will be calculated based on the receipts the successful applicants will submit as proof of their actual expenses.

Important Dates
The application will close on Thursday, 31 October 2024.

Terms and Conditions [click here]

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