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We wouldn’t be where we are today without our existing ESOT members who have joined us on our mission to improve the outcomes of patients with terminal organ disease.

Join us as an ESOT member as we continue to strive towards this goal. We offer a range of membership options to suit you, regardless of your profession or the stage of your career. You can join at any time, and your membership will last for 12 months from the moment of subscription. 
Join us today, and let’s transform the world of transplantation together.


We invite you to take a moment to browse through our membership options and benefits

Please see below the membership types and fees.

 ESOT Membership – 1 year ESOT and ELITA Membership – 1 year
Regular Membership  150.00 €  190.00 €
Non-medical Membership  100.00 €  140.00 €
Trainee Membership  100.00 €  140.00 €
Reduced Membership 25.00 €

Membership Fees Overview

Regular Membership (Residing in Europe) – 150 EUR
Medical doctors residing in Europe, actively involved in organ donation and/or transplantation. Access to the e-learning platform Transplant Live is included. Only members shall be eligible to hold office in the Society and may vote for the election of Officers and on all matters brought before the General Assembly.**

Regular Membership (International) – 150 EUR
Medical doctors NOT  residing in Europe, actively involved in organ donation and/or transplantation. Access to the e-learning platform Transplant Live is included. Members shall not be eligible to hold office in the Society and do not have voting rights, nor can they be elected.

Non-Medical Membership (Residing in Europe) – 100 EUR
Nurses, coordinators, laboratory scientists, psychologists, ethicists, and basic scientists are actively involved in organ donation and/or transplantation. Access to the e-learning platform Transplant Live is included. Only Members residing in Europe shall be eligible to hold office in the Society and may vote for the election of Officers and on all matters brought before the General Assembly.**

Non-Medical Membership (International)  – 100 EUR
Nurses, coordinators, laboratory scientists, psychologists, ethicists, and basic scientists are actively involved in organ donation and/or transplantation. Access to the e-learning platform Transplant Live is included. Members shall not be eligible to hold office in the Society and do not have voting rights, nor can they be elected.

Trainee Membership (Residing in Europe)  – 100 EUR
Students and trainees actively involved in donation and/or transplantation. Access to the e-learning platform Transplant Live is included. Only Members residing in Europe shall be eligible to hold office in the Society and may vote for the election of Officers and on all matters brought before the General Assembly.**

Trainee Membership (International)   – 100 EUR
Students and trainees actively involved in donation and/or transplantation. Access to the e-learning platform Transplant Live is included. Members shall not be eligible to hold office in the Society and do not have voting rights, nor can they be elected.

Reduced Membership Fee  – 25 EUR
Open to individuals from Low-Income (LICs) and Lower-Middle-Income Countries (LMICs), as defined by the World Bank [URL https://blogs.worldbank.org/en/opendata/world-bank-country-classifications-by-income-level-for-2024-2025 ], actively involved in organ donation and/or transplantation. Access to the e-learning platform Transplant Live is included. Members shall not be eligible to hold office in the Society and do not have voting rights, nor can they be elected.

ECTORS | ECTTA | EDTCO | EKITA | ELITA (+ 40 EUR) | ELPAT | EPITA | VCA | Education | Basic Science | ETAHP | YPT

** Western Europe  (UK, Ireland, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Liechtenstein); Northern Europe  (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia); Southern Europe  (Spain, Andorra, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Malta, Turkey, Croatia, Slovenia, Republic of North Macedonia, Cyprus, San Marino, Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Montenegro, Monaco); Eastern Europe  (Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan).

Membership Overview

Type of Members:
Regular (Europe) 348
Regular (International) 68
Non-Medical (Europe) 97
Non-Medical (International) 7
Trainee (Europe) 105
Trainee (International) 3
Joint 157
Emeritus 2


North America 4%
South America, Central America, Caribbean 0%
Asia (Central & South Asia, Northeastern Asia, Southeastern Asia, Australia and Oceania) 6%
Oceania (Australia) 1%
Europe (Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Eastern Europe, Western Europe) 87%
Middle East/Africa (Middle East, Northern Africa, Southern Africa) 1%


UK 107 Croatia 7 Thailand 3
Italy 74 Australia 7 Iraq 2
Netherlands 71 Turkey 6 Qatar 2
Germany 44 India 5 Estonia 1
Belgium 44 Czech Republic 5 Peru 1
Spain 38 Latvia 5 Brazil 1
Switzerland 33 Slovenia 5 Jordan 1
Austria 29 United Arab Emirates 5 Taiwan 1
France 24 Russia 4 Bulgaria 1
Romania 24 Saudi Arabia 4 Montenegro 1
USA 23 South Africa 4 Philippines 1
Greece 22 Ukraine 4 Trinidad and Tobago 1
Poland 14 Lithuania 4 Azerbaijan 1
Denmark 11 Malaysia 4 Cyprus 1
Hungary 11 Canada 3 Egypt 1
Sweden 10 Belarus 3 Georgia 1
Ireland 10 China 3 Armenia 1
Norway 10 Israel 3 Morocco 1
Finland 10 Mexico 3 Nepal 1
Portugal 9 South Korea 3 Pakistan 1
Japan 8 Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 Vietnam 1


Geographical distribution: