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In line with the European Medicine Agency’s (EMA) transparency criteria for healthcare professional organisations, please find an outline of funding sources below for ESOT in 2024.

Source of funding % of overall ESOT income
Industry sponsored projects 56,37%
Courses 4,75%
Meetings 15,96%
Research & Science 0,29%
EU Policy 0,21%
Marketing & Communication 0,08%
Education 4,87%
Transplant International Profit Share 4,58%
Registries 6,72%
Membership 3,61
EU Funding-EU grants 2,56


Non-industry funding: 43,63%

Industry funding: 56,37%

Highest proportion from a single company (in terms of overall income): 26%


Industry Funding is defined as commercial manufacturers of healthcare products and services, including distributors and wholesalers, etc.