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Online workshop: The role of induction in antibody-incompatible (ABO-HLA) kidney transplantation

Start Date:
Tuesday, May 21st 2024 at 17:00
End Date:
Tuesday, May 21st 2024 at 18:30
Description & Objectives:

This series of online workshops aims to share and discuss best practices in induction therapy in kidney transplantation. Selected centres in Italy, the United Kingdom, and France will discuss their approach to induction therapy and present clinical cases for discussion with the audience.

Through interactive lectures and engaging case study discussions, the workshops will highlight the importance of induction treatment for the overall success of transplantation and will provide practical guidance on how to approach specific scenarios.

The third and final workshop in this series, The role of induction in antibody-incompatible (ABO-HLA) kidney transplantation, will be hosted by the Necker Hospital in Paris, France, and will take place on 21 May, 17:00-18:30 CEST.

Assuming that in kidney transplant recipients the “classical” role of induction is to prevent or postpone the occurrence of acute rejection and that, in contrast, in ABO-/HLA-incompatible transplantation the expected role of induction is mainly to prevent acute antibody-mediated rejection which so far has been difficult to ascertain due to the extreme complexity of these situations, the present workshop will try to define the role of induction in ABO-incompatible transplantation and to highlight the complexity of diagnosis in some cases.

This will be summarised in a short presentation together with an introduction of the role of induction in HIR patients. The final part will be devoted to a complex case report outlining how difficult it is to decipher the role of the main induction therapies we rely on.


Raj Thuraisingham | London, United Kingdom
Luca Toti | Rome, Italy


Carole Burger
Christophe Legendre
Marion Rabant


View the programme and register now to secure your spot!


This workshop is kindly supported by