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12th Congress of the International Pediatric Transplant Association (IPTA 2023)

Primary Topics:
Paediatric transplantation
Start Date:
Saturday, March 25th 2023
End Date:
Tuesday, March 28th 2023
Austin, USA
Description & Objectives:

IPTA is an international organization that reaches over 640 members from 60 countries. We are particularly pleased with our recent growth in membership, especially in low and mid-resourced countries which will allow us to work towards IPTA’s goal to offer educational programs for professionals all over the globe.

Please join the international transplant community in Austin, Texas to contribute to the most important reason why we are all here – which is to improve the lives of children who need life-saving transplants. Only together can we make the world of transplanted children a better place!

Visit the official website

Workshop: IPTA-ESOT: Should children with developmental disabilities or frailty be considered for organ transplantation?
Tuesday March 28, 2023 from 10:40 to 11:40
  • Eugenics, Disability, and Transplantation
    Alyssa M. Burgart, United States
  • Outcomes of children with disability (looking at all organs: heart, lung, kidney and liver)
    Dr. Aviva Goldberg, Canada
  • Perspective about transplant listing in the UK for children with disabilities
    Prof. Stephen Marks, United Kingdom


IPTA-ESOT Scientific Award

A Joint IPTA-ESOT Award for Best Abstract in Paediatric Transplantation.
  • The Top scored abstracts from Europe/UK will be adjudicated by a joint committee of representatives from IPTA and ESOT. The highest ranked abstract that has not already won an award will be identified as the winner.