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Five ESOT Educational Global Grants are available to support non-European transplant professionals who wish to attend ESOT courses, masterclasses, or scientific meetings. Terms and conditions apply.

Target Audience
Non-European transplant professionals of all disciplines.

Grant Offering
Five grants are available, offering up to EUR 2,000 to each successful applicant.

Please note that the registration fee for the chosen event will be waived and that ESOT will cover travel expenses (flight, accommodation, etc.) of each successful applicant for up to EUR 2,000. The amount of the reimbursement will be calculated based on the receipts the successful applicants will submit as proof of their actual expenses.

The list of the ESOT educational activities taking place in 2025 among which to choose is available below (applicants will be requested to indicate a second option in the event we cannot accommodate their first choice):

We are here to help

Should you need any additional information, you can contact the Education Team via askme@esot.org