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The European Liver Transplant Registry (ELTR) is under the responsibility of ELITA, the ESOT section dedicated to liver and intestine transplants. The financial responsibility of the ELTR is that of ELITA and, consequently, that of ESOT.

ELTR will integrate the ESOT registries platform in 2024. The ELTR Governing Board manages ELTR and consists of 6 members: the current and elected Chairs of Scientific Committee, the ESOT Registries General Manager, the ELITA Treasurer, an elected member from the ELITA Board, and a member of the ESOT Executive Committee. The Board appoints the Chair, who is ex officio a member of the ELITA Board. This appointment is for four years, with a possible extension for another four years after re-election. The ELTR Governing Board reports to the ESOT Executive Comittee on ELTR activities, half-yearly and yearly, within two months after the respective period.

Currently, ELTR is one of the oldest and robust European wide medical registries. ELTR includes data from more than 185,000 liver transplants performed in more than 170,000 patients from 171 centres in 32 countries. The questionnaire contains data on indication for transplantation, donor and graft characteristics, technical aspects of liver transplantation, cause of death or graft failure and initial and maintenance immunosuppression. The ELTR has published 89 articles since its inception with a mean of 6 papers per year over the last decade. With such among of data, ELTR provides since more than 35 years critical information on the outcome and the evolution of liver transplantation in Europe.