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Education Committee Chair 2024-2027

Liset received her PhD from the faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Sydney (Australia) in 2003. Until 2022 she was the co-director of the Centre for Evidence in Transplantation (CET) at the University of Oxford, which was founded by Sir Peter Morris with the aim to provide high quality, evidence-based information on all aspects of solid organ transplantation. She is currently the Research Manager at the Erasmus MC Transplant Institute in Rotterdam.

She has conducted and co-authored systematic reviews and oversaw the development of the Transplant Library from inception to be the definitive resource of high-quality evidence on all aspects of solid organ transplantation.

Liset is vice-chair of ESOT’s Education Committee, course lead of ESOT’s ACADEMIA course and board member of the ESOT Guideline Task Force.
