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Caroline Dudreuilh

Caroline Dudreuilh, MD is a nephrologist with a special interest in transplant immunology. She graduated from Paris VII medical school in 2009. She trained as a nephrologist in Paris and Tours from 2009-2014 and completed an intercalated Masters degree on “Graft and Host Relation” within the Inserm unit U1014/UMR1197 “Stem cells, transplantation, immuno-regulation” in 2013.

She completed  her training with an academic fellowship in Paris (Henri Mondor) in 2017. She then worked as a Senior Renal Clinical Fellow within the renal and transplantation unit at Guy’s Hospital, London for a year.

In 2018, she was awarded a mobility grant from the French Society of Transplantation and an ESOT Transplant Fellowship to work on improving antigen specificity in transplantation and tolerance by using a new cutting-edge method using Chimeric antigen receptor regulatory T-cells in Professor Giovanna Lombardi’s group at King’s College, London.

She was then awarded an MRC Clinical Research Training Fellowship to work as a PhD candidate within the Dorling Group (2018-2022). The purpose of this work is to improve the understanding of regulatory mechanisms in place in highly sensitised patients on the transplant waiting list with a specific focus on regulatory T cells.
