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ETAHP Chair 2023-2025

Marleen van Buren is working as General Director at the Erasmus MC Transplantation Institute since 2023. She collaborates with the board to develop strategies and objectives, ensuring projects and policies align with the institute’s mission. Marleen oversees internal and external communication and leads innovative healthcare projects, including value-based healthcare, transplant monitoring, and specialised rehabilitation programmes.

She is dedicated to person-centred care and teamwork in transplantation, advocating for the recognition and support of transplant nurses and allied healthcare professionals.

Background: Marleen van Buren has over 13 years of experience as a Nurse Practitioner in the Kidney Transplant Department at Erasmus MC Transplant Institute. She holds a Bachelor of Nursing (2004), completed Intensive Care Nursing training, earned a Master in Advanced Nursing Practice (2010), and obtained a PhD (2022) on pregnancy after kidney transplantation, during which she initiated the PARTOUT national data network. Furthermore, she has been a board member of the Dutch National Transplant Society (NTV) and has been chair of ETAHP since 2023.
